Ally Bank Personal Advice Page

ui/ux design

In 2023, Ally Bank was looking to refresh its website also known as its storefront since it's a fully digital bank with no physical branches. At the same time, our wealth management product was being repositioned and renamed "Personal Advice."

Our team was given existing content and wireframes created by another team. We were then tasked with evolving the work that had been done into its final design. We needed to keep the end user, existing Ally customers, and business goals at the forefront. Our content strategist and I collaborated to tell the new story of Personal Advice. The page spearheaded the site redesign and was a jumping-off point for other product pages.

Design goals for the page included:

  • Integrate findings from all partners to inform design decisions
  • Utilize and create new refresh standards to develop a page that feels consistent within the Ally ecosystem but is clean and modern
  • Design a page that is modular and can scale to fit future updates
  • Add inclusive lifestyle photography that supports the story of the page and the product
  • Think mobile first and keep scroll depth in mind 

Ally Bank

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